Understanding the Mission of the Church

God Needs Leaders Not Gurus

Painful as it is to write this blog post, it is completely necessary. The American churches are being destroyed from within. The power of new technology and pressures from the world are deceiving pastors, ministers, evangelists, and elders. They have thrown their ministries headlong into mainstream media without seeking God’s permission.

God’s intimate, private holy assemblies are being broadcast. Did we consider if this was okay with God? Did we consult the members about broadcasting their sometimes “dirty laundry”? Or are members now avoiding sharing personal details and playing their part in the “Show”?


The Mission Includes Obedience and Evangelism

Understanding the Mission of the Lord’s Church is vital to restoring true Christianity.

God the Father comes first in all things. Jesus Christ confirmed this after He was sent by God. Jesus Christ’s primary mission to obey God the Father in all things (John 5:30; Luke 9:23). This included teaching the world about God and dying on the Cross for their sins.

As followers of God (through Jesus Christ) our primary mission is to obey God in all things. Obeying God includes testifying about Jesus Christ and the coming judgement. The primary mission of the Lord’s Church is obeying God’s word (John 8:31-32). 

Many churches focus more on reaching others than on obeying God’s word.

Other churches pursue the idea of “replacing” current members with new one. Though this is impossible. They do try. They say things like, “we need more young people” or “we need to modernize our worship to reach new people”. These are code words for replacing the “old worn out”, “old fashioned” members.

This too is very unbiblical. True leaders disciple members to submit to God’s will. Old fashioned or not, God’s will remains. Some methods may change, but we must be ever so careful not to change God’s methods. His holy assembly will never change.

The meetings of believers should be a time completely focused on worshipping God. Giving Him praise and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

The things happening with God’s holy assemblies is a travesty. God’s meetings are not productions. They are a time to serve one another in love and give glory to God.

Of course, a main thrust of following Jesus Christ is testifying about Him. But the first step if obeying Jesus Christ from the heart. Keeping oneself pure and free from sin. Only then will you be useful to the Kingdom.

Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an honor. An honor that is accomplished outside of the church meetings. Church meetings are holy and for born again believers. Church meetings are not for the world. Gospel preaching is for the world.

Many have intertwined church meetings and sharing the gospel. This is an unholy compromise that is destroying the American church.

So many churches have added technology to the Holy assemblies of the Saints since the Covid-19 emergency. Holy assemblies are broadcast on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms. All in an effort to allow members to attend from home, and to teach the world about Jesus Christ. Though the objectives are noble the results are very damaging. With “social” media comes adjustments to the message. There are also private church discussions that are not on display for the whole world to see, hear, and digest.

This is only the beginning. 

The onslaught of censorship, introduction of Artificial Intelligence, and Global “Hate” Laws are beginning to take shape. The church, family structure, and natural law are in their sights. The American church is slipping the chain around their legs and arms — willingly. Unfortunately, gullible leaders do not understand the fullness of Scripture and fail to protect the sheep of God.


Weak leaders will falter in fear of the world and government. Strong leaders will defend the sheep with all their might. Examine the integrity of David in 1 Samuel 17. This is the type of leader (or leaders) we need over our churches. 

We can share about Jesus Christ outside the church assemblies and convert many to Jesus Christ. At the same time, we can revert back to the wholesome approach of church life. Teaching family values, modesty, Spirit-led fellowship, and building stronger faith communities. 

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