God’s Movement of Hope

Join the Spirit-led Movement of God

If you have the desire to follow God through His Son Jesus Christ, we could use your help building the Kingdom of God. God seeks true seekers that are willing to submit to His Son Jesus Christ. True seekers empower the Kingdom of God. Join the movement. Is this you?

We work tirelessly on advancing the Kingdom of God. It is all about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Individuals are transformed by the living word of God. They come to faith and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands are baptized into Jesus Christ each day. Join us in helping others. We hold weekly members-only worship for disciples to worship together in unity. Faithful brothers and sisters reach out to the world in hopes that they will join us after they are born again through obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ’s Church will never be destroyed or fade from lack of faith. The Church of Christ is always growing. Expansion of the Church of Christ happens during times or peace, times of war, under tyranny and under freedom. In fact, the Church of Christ was established under the tyranny of the Roman Empire.


Who’s in the Church?

God knew that we needed discipleship. The Church of Christ is made up of disciples that have made Jesus Christ Lord according to the Word of God (The Bible).

They have experienced regeneration by the Holy Spirit. They listen to His voice and strive to live in purity. Learn more about being born again (CLICK HERE).

John 1:1-21 Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God Can you see it?

1 Peter 3:1-9 who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…” Do you have a living hope?

Therefore, learn more about God’s church. The Church of Christ is a global kingdom with Jesus Christ as the head. There is no earthly governance that guides the churches. We are connected through the Holy Spirit and adherence to God’s holy word. Hundreds of millions gather each Sunday to partake in the Lord’s Supper.

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