Join the Movement of God

Church planting is all about love. If you have the desire to follow God through His Son Jesus Christ, we could use your help building the Kingdom of God. God seeks true seekers that are willing to submit to His Son Jesus Christ. True seekers empower the Kingdom of God.

Is this you?

We work tirelessly on advancing the Kingdom of God. It is all about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Individuals are transformed by the living word of God. They come to faith and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thousands are baptized into Jesus Christ each day. Join us in helping others. We hold weekly members-only worship for disciples to worship together in unity. Faithful brothers and sisters reach out to the world in hopes that they will join us after they are born again through obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Becoming a Member of the Church

Becoming a member of Jesus Christ church is a decision that only you can make. You may have already made this decision, but we need to be honest with you about how someone enters the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we will meet with you prior to acceptance of membership.


Jesus Christ died that you may live… do you know what this means?

What We Believe


Put on Jesus Christ and never look back…
  • What is required to be a member of the Church of Christ?
  • Faith in Jesus Christ
  • Repentance from sin, dead works, and disobedience
  • Full immersion water baptism for forgiveness of sins
  • Willingness to be used by God for good works
  • Commitment to the Body of Jesus Christ (The Church)
  • Obedience to the Holy Spirt and God’s word

If your heart is to learn more about what this means, contact us for a one on one study. You are also welcome to attend one of outreach Bible Study Groups.

Once You Become a Member of Christ's Church

You are welcome to attend Church services, participate in Member Meetings, attend training classes and join one of our planned church planting teams. Every community in New England deserves a believer’s church. Help us make this a reality.

If you have already obeyed the gospel and would like to participate in the movement of God — contact us or just go forward in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Contact us to learn more.

Help us launch Stoughton, Waltham, and Providence in 2025. Or help encourage the existing churches of Christ. Become a valuable part of God’s work.