Commanded by Jesus Christ, Baptism into the Body of Christ is vital.
There is a lot discussion about baptism. We could talk for days about the topic. But the primary point about baptism is that Jesus Christ commanded that His disciples be baptized and baptize others. Baptism has always and will always be an important part of converting to Jesus Christ. Part of being transferred from darkness to light.
Jesus Christ Commands Baptism | |
Scripture | Questions |
MATTHEW 28:18-20 | What was Jesus’ instruction to the eleven? |
What type of commitment is needed to “be made a disciple”? | |
Do you see the “Sinner’s Prayer” in this text. Do you even see it in all of Scripture? | |
What do YOU need to do to become a disciple of Jesus Christ? |
First Sermon in the New Church | |
Scripture | Questions |
ACTS 2:36-39 | Based on verse 36, who is Jesus Christ? |
What transpired in the hearts of the people (vs 37)? | |
Peter describes what they need to do (vs 38, 39). How does his message compare with Matthew 28:18-20? |
The following section details an actual account captured in Scripture. An account of someone coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Put aside any pre-determinations and see how the Scriptures lays out salvation.
Ethiopian Eunuch | |
Scripture | Questions |
ACTS 8:26-40 | Why do you think the eunuch asked, “What hinders me from being baptized”? |
Philip answer in verse 37 reveals much about how baptism works. What its purpose is. | |
You decide to be baptized because you believe. God’s leaders know this and baptize people that confess faith in Jesus Christ. |
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