Understanding the Mission of the Church
God Needs Leaders Not Gurus Painful as it is to write this blog post, it is completely necessary. The American churches are being destroyed from within. The power of new technology and pressures from the world are deceiving pastors, ministers, evangelists, and elders. They have thrown their ministries headlong into mainstream media without seeking God’s … Read more
God’s Movement of Hope
God’s Movement of Hope involves turning to God through Jesus Christ His Son. Living a sacrificial life according to His word.
Living a Spirit-Led Life
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.
New Life through Jesus Christ
Apostle Paul frequently wrote about new life and living a resurrected life. The He Holy Spirit drove Paul to describe what was happening inside the hearts and minds of new converts. An incredible transformation occurs when someone turns to Jesus Christ.
The Power to Overcome Sin
Jesus Christ delivers the power to overcome sin. He helps those that desire a resurrected life. Individuals that diligently seek Him.
The End of the World as we Know It
One thing we can be confident of is “The End of the World as we Know It” has arrived.
Wisdom from Above
Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.
Living in Christ Jesus
To be a Christian, one must live in Christ. But what does this mean? You must live in saving faith.
Baptism into the Body of Christ
There is a lot discussion about baptism. We could talk for days about the topic. But the primary point about baptism is that Jesus Christ commanded that His disciples be baptized and baptize others. Baptism has always and will always be an important part of converting to Jesus Christ. Part of being transferred from darkness to light.