The Church that Jesus Christ established has been in existence since the time of His death until now.

Jesus Christ’s Church will never be destroyed or fade from lack of faith. The Church of Christ is always growing. Expansion of the Church of Christ happens during times or peace, times of war, under tyranny and under freedom. In fact, the Church of Christ was established under the tyranny of the Roman Empire.

About the Church of Christ

Who’s in the Church?

God knew that we needed discipleship. The Church of Christ is made up of disciples that have made Jesus Christ Lord according to the Word of God (The Bible). Learn about the Church of Christ.

They have experienced regeneration by the Holy Spirit. They listen to His voice and strive to live in purity. Learn more about being born again (CLICK HERE).

John 1:1-21 “Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” Can you see it?

1 Peter 3:1-9 “who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…” Do you have a living hope?

Therefore, learn more about God’s church. The Church of Christ is a global kingdom with Jesus Christ as the head. There is no earthly governance that guides the churches. We are connected through the Holy Spirit and adherence to God’s holy word. Hundreds of millions gather each Sunday to partake in the Lord’s Supper.

Steps to Salvation

Agree or not, there are specific steps to conversion. One may be converted in one day (or even hours), while others struggle with the decision to follow Jesus Christ over months and years. Many sadly, never turn to Jesus Christ. Their end is the second death. Complete separation from God.

The following steps are connected with turning to Jesus Christ:


Someone must hear the Word of God (The Bible). Learn about Jesus Christ and His incredible sacrifice for mankind.

Understand his or her lost state. Believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Godly repentance follows belief. True belief leads to repentance and confession that Jesus Christ is the son of God.

You confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You turn from sin.


A faithful member of God’s church will baptize you into Jesus Christ. He will ask a few questions to ensure that you know why you are being baptized.

You make a public confession of faith in Jesus Christ in front of witnessed.

You receive the power of the Holy Spirit and Forgiveness of sins. This enables you to lead a victorious life. A life powered by God and His word.

If there is not a church in your area that is Scripture based, we will do our best to help you establish one.

Or help you connect to one.